Make Your Home Blessed With Ganesh Marble Statue


One thing that you can easily find at the houses of a majority of Indians is Ganesh Marble Statue. India is considered the land of Gods. Some forms of God are widely respected all over India one such benevolent form of God is called Lord Ganesha. That’s why people highly respect him and place Ganesh Marble Statue at their home and office. He is considered as a benevolent and auspicious form of God who removes the obstacles of the people and provides them pure wisdom and discretion along with prosperity. That is why before beginning any new task people generally worship the Lord Ganesha so that the task should be completed with zero hassles. Along with many small and big temples dedicated to Lord Ganesha people also place the idols of Lord Ganesha at their home to perform daily puja. They also place these idols at their workplace to ensure prosperity for the business. Besides, there are different festivals dedicated to Lord Ganesha like Diwali and Ganesha Chaturthi. This auspicious form of God is also highly revered by the non-resident Indians across different countries of the world.


marble ganesh statue

Most benevolent form of God


Lord Ganesha is the most benevolent God who blesses the devotees with success, annihilates the negativity, and help those who are in trouble. That is why the Ganesha idols are highly popular in India. Even the Indian community abroad make it a point to keep Marble Ganesh Statue at their home. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it is the most widely popular idol among the Indian community across the world. It is believed and rightly so that having a Ganesha idol at home brings peace and prosperity while the same idol when placed at the workplace ensures good profit and constant progress.


Where should you place Ganesh Marble Statue?


In order to gain the best results it is advised to keep Ganesh Marble Statue at some specific directions at home. There are certain clear instructions in this regard. It depends upon the place, purpose, and objectives of the devotees. For instance, when kept at the house the idol should be placed at the North-East corner. However, if due to any reason you cannot dedicate that spot for the idol, then make sure that the idol should face south. In that case, you need to face either north or east at the time of worshipping. While God’s benevolence is always beneficial for the devotees, you can expect even more positive results by religiously following the direction as described in Vastu Shastra.


marble ganesh statue

Ganesh Marble Statue is a unique blend of art and divinity

Today there are a number of different materials that are used to produce the idols of Lord Ganesha. However, there are very few materials that can match the beauty and luxury of lord Ganesh Marble Statue. These idols are reverently crafted by artisans striving to give it the exquisite look. The unique cuts, lifelike features, smooth and subtle expressions and expressive eyes are some criteria that define the beauty of any idol. Pure marble makes it extremely easy for any good artisan to perfectly satisfy all these criteria. Moreover, the natural shine of marble also offers a unique look that further enhances the overall appeal of the Ganesh Marble Statue.

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